At the first regular meeting in May of each year the mayor, by and with the consent of the council, shall appoint a city clerk and city treasurer, and may appoint a city attorney, municipal judge, chief of police, police officers, city superintendent, city engineer and such other officers as may be deemed necessary for the best interest of the city. All such appointments shall be entered on the journal of proceedings of the council. The duties and salaries of all appointed officers shall be fixed by ordinance. 

(K.S.A. 15-204; Code 1984)

The governing body of the city shall have the sole power to hire and terminate all full and part-time employees of the city.

(Ord. 516, Sec. 1)

(a)   The governing body may remove any appointed officer.

(b)   For good cause, the mayor may suspend any appointed officer, pending investigation and final determination by the governing body.

(c)   Employees, other than appointed officers, may be removed by the mayor only after prior consent of the governing body.

(K.S.A. 15-204, Ord. 516, Sec. 2, Ord. 558, Sec. 1)

Whenever a vacancy occurs in any appointive office for whatever reason, the vacancy shall be filled by the governing body. Any person appointed to fill such vacancy shall serve only until the next regular time for appointment. 

(K.S.A. 15-209; Code 1984)

The city clerk/administrator shall be appointed by the mayor by and with the consent of the city council, and he or she shall serve at the pleasure of the council. The city clerk/administrator shall be appointed on the basis of his or her qualifications and ability and must reside in or within close proximity of the city. Except as otherwise provided by law, the city administrator shall have the following powers and duties:

(a)   To manage, direct, control and supervise all the administrative departments and services of the city;

(b)   To recommend to the mayor and city council and other boards for hiring and discharging appointive officers and employees;

(c)   To prepare and submit the annual budget of the governing body and keep such body fully, completely and timely advised as to the financial condition of the city;

(d)   To supervise, direct and assign the duties of all appointive officers and employees;

(e)   To exercise general supervision and control over all city purchases and expenditures in accordance with the budget and such policies as may be established by the governing body;

(f)   To recommend to the governing body a schedule of salaries for all officers and employees;

(g)   To care for and manage all city-owned land, property, buildings and equipment;

(h)   To develop and prepare such planning, short-range as well as long-range, as the governing body shall request and shall submit such planning to the governing body for action;

(i)    To attend all meetings of the governing body and such other meetings of commissions and other organizations as the governing body shall designate and shall regularly report on the status of the city and its services to the governing body;

(j)    To make such recommendations to the governing body as are deemed necessary for effective administration of all city services;

(k)   To be responsible for the proper and efficient discharge of the duties of all city administrative officers and employees;

(l)    To perform such other duties as the governing body may direct, including those of the City Clerk position

It shall be the general practice of the governing body to issue all orders and directives to all city officers and departments and receive reports and communications therefrom through the office of city administrator.

(Code 1984; Ord. 761; Code 2022)

The city clerk shall:

(a)   Prepare and keep suitable fiscal records according to generally accepted accounting principles;

(b)   Assist in preparing the annual budget;

(c)   Audit all claims against the city for goods or services rendered for the consideration of the governing body. His or her accounts shall properly show the amounts paid from any fund of the city and the cash balance existing in each fund;

(d)   Keep an accurate account of all bonds issued by the city;

(e)   Keep a record of all special assessments.

(Code. 1984)

The city clerk shall:

(a)   Have custody of the corporate seal of the city and shall affix the same to the official copy of all ordinances, contracts, and other documents required to be authenticated;

(b)   Have power to administer oaths for all purposes pertaining to the business and affairs of the city;

(c)   Keep suitable files of all such oaths required to be deposited in his or her office.

(Code 1984)

The city clerk is designated as the withholding agent of the city for the purposes of the Federal Revenue (Income) Act, and shall perform the duties required of withholding agents by said act or any other act requiring withholding from the compensation of any city officer or employee. The clerk shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the governing body or state law. 

(Code 1984)

The city treasurer shall:

(a)   Keep a full and accurate record;

(b)   Publish an annual financial statement;

(c)   Deposit all public moneys;

(d)   Pay out the funds of the city upon warrant and checks properly signed by the mayor and city clerk;

(e)   Perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the governing body or the Kansas statutes.

(K.S.A. 10-803; K.S.A. 12-1608; Code 1997)

The city attorney shall:

(a)   Attend meetings of the city council;

(b)   Advise the city council and all officers of the city upon such legal questions affecting the city and its offices as may be submitted to him or her;

(c)   When requested by the city council, give opinions in writing upon any such questions;

(d)   Draft such ordinances, contracts, leases, easements, conveyances and other instruments in writing as may be submitted to him or her in the regular transaction of affairs of the city;

(e)   Approve all ordinances of the city as to form and legality;

(f)   Attend planning commission meetings at the request of the planning commission;

(g)   Perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the governing body and the Kansas statutes.

(C.O. No. 5; Code 1984)

(a)   The City Clerk shall have the authority to make expenditure in accordance with city policies and/or contractual and budgetary procedure of city funds (1) up to $3,500 maximum without further approvals, and (2) in excess of $3,500, not to exceed $7,000, subject to approval by the Mayor. Any and all expenditures in excess of $7,000 shall require prior approval of the governing body.

(b)   The Public Works Director shall have the authority to make expenditure in accordance with city policies and/or contractual and budgetary procedure of city funds (1) up to $3,500 maximum without further approvals, and (2) in excess of $3,500, not to exceed $7,000, subject to approval by the Mayor. Any and all expenditures in excess of $7,000 shall require prior approval of the governing body.

(c)   Any and all expenditures contemplated by subsections (a) and (b) must be in compliance with the budget as adopted by the governing body. Nothing herein shall be interpreted or construed as a delegation or grant of authority to depart from existing contractual and budgetary processes.

(d)   Any and all expenditures contemplated by subsections (a) and (b) must be reported to the governing body.

(e)   The expenditure and spending authority may be reviewed on an annual basis with adjustment thereof as may be adopted by resolution of the governing body.

(f)   Expenditure and spending authority may be delegated to other department heads by resolution of the governing body.

(Ord. 900; Code 2022)

(a)   All seats for non-elected boards, commissions and/or committees shall be filled by appointment in accordance with respective provisions of the CODE OF THE CITY OF DOUGLASS at the time of the Council meeting in the month of January of the year in which such appointment expires.

(b)   Any such seat for non-elected boards, commissions and/or committees for which this action shortens or extends a twelve (12) month appointment period shall be deemed served in full at the time of appointment in January. This action does not obligate any volunteer to additional service; prevent appointments from resigning in good standing; or preclude the Mayor and Council from making necessary changes as afforded by existing policy..

(Ord. 873; Code 2022)